Thursday 24 September 2009

Pride and Prejudice?

Hey Everyone. Wow. I'm completely overloaded with news. So many new things out!

First up is this new shot from the New Moon movie companion (release date on calendar, right and side of screen) of a "dream sequance" that Bella and Edward have together in the movie.
Wowzers. OK in my opinion this looks like a Jane Austen movie...what's-it-called....pride and prejudice? Yeah that's the one. Except Edward doesn't look like the Mr. Darcy I saw on an old movie. Ah well. Anyway, Bella looks very pretty, especially with the gloves, and can't wait for more images to come out with the movie companion!
Just wanted to say again thank you to Renn and Hilda for commenting on nearly EVERY post. I LOVE COMMENTS! Ok, more news soon. M x