Monday 9 November 2009

Aor hiding in a clothes cubicle

This is hilarious:

Amanda TMoms: I was wondering what you favorite most memorable Twilight related moment has been since you started on New Moon?

Michael: I did have one little moment where – I was buying a pair of jeans in Los Angeles and I went into the little cubicle to try them on. Came out quite tentatively of my little cubicle to have a little look in the mirror, you know worried about that moment. And as I pulled back the curtain there was a woman on the other side holding various items of clothing, shaking, and saying, “You’re Aro, aren’t you?” So I went back in my cubicle and hid. That was a slightly scary moment. So if that’s anything like what’s about to come, I might have to go around with a bag over my head.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He sounds like such a lovely guy. Grrr that lucky lady in the clothes shop...