Sunday 25 October 2009

Eclipse ending, and clips galore

May I ask who voted that the Jacob and wolf pack clip sucked? Because I need to personally hunt them down for a dia punishment...

Eclipse filming is coming to an end, according to David Slade (director)'s twitter acount. Ashley Greene (Alice) and Peter Faccineli (Carlisle) are wrapped up, not sure about the others yet. But Eclipse will soon be filmed!

Millions of new clips are being released at a mental speed I can't keep up with. Volturi footage, two tv spots, makingofnewmoon, whole break up scene, parking lot scene, wolf's mental. So far, I have only watched the wolf pack itunes released scene *grins smugly*

I'm not planning to watch any more footage, because most people I've talked to who did watch it are now regretting it. So...I'm waiting for the whole movie, but if any of you want all the links to the scenes and tv spots etc. leave a comment and I will post them.

I know only two people or so are actually checking this blog lol, but I love doing so ah well. I'll keep it up for now.

November can't come fast enough! Merina x


  1. I always check this blog, and I've given the address to a Twilight-obsessed (the phrase "pot calling kettle black" springs to mind here) friend, for she loves the pictures on here.

    It seems like they are releasing the entire film in little snippets! You must resist watching them, Merina!

  2. I can't wait to go and see it - have you both hear of Emily's plan? If not, I'll email you with the details.

  3. Hey, did you know that Taylor Lautner is dating Taylor Swift?! How cute!!!
