Thursday, 17 September 2009

Some pointless points

Howdy Everyone. There has (amazingly) been no news for the past SEVERAL days! Omigosh! Shock horror! So I thought I'd just put a few pointlesss points here.

1. New Slideshow! I spent forever getting it to work and it only plays Volturi shots, but I don't dare try to edit it or it might stop working again. So...yeah. Genius. I'm so very pleased with my self ;D
2. Thanks for all "following" this blog. I have FIVE now, thanks to new person Gerbil Girl. Thanks! thanks also for all comments which I love reading especially Renn who seems to have a comment posted seconds after I've posted the article!
3. Micheal Sheen (Aro) does some hilarious Twitters. Some of my favourites are:
"Just did a big photoshoot for publicity stills- all the Volturi. We are one freaky looking bunch."
"Have decided my Aro is a cross between the Blue Meanie, the Childcatcher and Nick Cave. But with red eyes."
"I think Dakota may look the most unsettling. So angelic yet so weird. As Jane that is of course. Like an evil red riding hood." LOL.
4. Tie again on the poll! Between Jasper biting Bella (I was surprised at that!) and Alice crashing the Porcshe. Neeeeeeeoorrrrrrrrr SMASH! Hahaha. Anyway, thanks so much for the TWELVE votes!
Ok, there are my pointless points. More news asap, M x

Oh, and here's a picture - see that little guy at the end of the amazingly artistically drawn arrow? That's Carlisle!!! Probably from the time when he stayed with the Volturi. He looks like Gilderoy Lockhart. Voyages with Vampires - that's one of his books! LOL! Maybe it IS him...


  1. Just to say could you please add some links it makes things more conveniant.

  2. Awesome arrow, Merina! Best I've seen in a looonnnnnng time!

  3. Yeah I know, my drawing abilities have just ZOOMED up haven't they? I mean LOOK at that arrow! The dynamical conflict of the redness that brings out the colour and feeling to the shot...I haven't a clue what I'm talking about...LOL...
    To Anonymous - I'll happily add whatever links you want :D but what links exactly do you mean?

  4. Oh, it's so exciting!!! Especially that arrow, you should totally go into buisness drawing arrows lol.

    Carlisle does look like Lockhart. You would think he'd have a slightly better sense of fashion than that. Alice would die.

  5. LOL yeah Alice would. And yes, I'm considering taking a GCSE in arrow drawing technicalaties...
