Sunday, 6 September 2009

Perfect old Rosalie

Grr. Rosalie is so perfect in this new shot from the New Moon birthday party. Again though, don't her eyes have a red tinge? Did they all walk into doors (as Renn, comments, cleverly suggested)? Or is my eye sight just failing. Ah well. Aro is winning the vote YET AGAIN for his quote - but it's a pretty close tie with everything else so far! I love these polls...
I'm off to Rome tomorrow (hopefully) so may not be able to update for a few days. I say hopefully, because Yotyot has had a trampolining accident, and is in hospital. Not sure how serious it is yet though, so may or may not be going tomorrow. Fingers crossed! M x


  1. Maybe that's what the cast all do when they're off-camera, walk into doors.

  2. GUESS WHAT!!! I know someone who has met Taylor Launtner!!! (is that how you spell it?)

  3. YOOUUUUUU WHHHAATTTTTTT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

  4. Oh dear. Merina is going to go insane now. . .

    Poor YotYot. I hope he gets better soon.

  5. Someone I know met Taylor Launtner when he was at the Teen Choice awards. She was in the hotel where the T.C awards were being held.

  6. lool!!! yotyot!!! lool!!! i mean, not lool about his accident, that's obviously bad, but ya know what i mean.
    anyway, wouldn't they have a red tint anyway? i mean, they do consume blood. even if it's not human blood. i don't think it's weird that they have red-tinted eyes. just my opinion though!!!! oops i said anyway too many times..

    luv ya

    funky xxx
