Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Even more posters

Howdy everyone - sorry there's been no good new for past week or so! Here are some new posters though.

Just one thing about the Cullen one - Edward leaves in New Moon, and here they show them both tightly glued to each other. I mean...just seems a bit odd...
Amazing Volturi as usual. Talking of Volturi, I had a dream about them last night. Will tell you all about it when I next see you - it was so much fun!!!
Oooomigosh this wolf pack...and Jacob...
That's all for now, M x

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Victoria and Laurent close ups

New (ish) picture of Laurent and Victoria form New Moon calendar. Victoria is so brill. YOU'RE THE BEST RACHELLE!
Another bit of news - rumours going round that at the rome film festivel in october, 20 mins of New Moon footage will be realesed! According to several articles and websites. If this is true, then WOOT! I'll put the links to the footage here if its posted anywhere online.
I thought I'd put some of David Slade's (eclipse director) tweets here. He twitters a lot.
Cool, aren't they? M x

When the vampires sparkle we need to use a special camera filter to expose it on film. Otherwise the film over exposes.

Today, vampires talking, vampires kissing, rain stayed away. We had to battle the sunlight to keep our vampires from sparkling too much.

Wolves wolves wolves, my corrected english. The schedule has been a bit furry of recent. Shooting vampires very soon.

Night shoots, Wolfs Wolfs wolfs, the rain dumped on us but we had to keep shooting until 5am. Then of course the rain drifted away.

Yesterday Taylor had to carry Kristen for several hours, he held it together - hope he can lift his arms today. Rain dumped on us all day.

Worked w/entire Cullen family today. @peterfacinelli borrowed my camera, took my picture being strangled by Jackson, will upload later...

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Killer Carlisle

This is an official screenshot from Eclipse. In it, you can see Carlisle wearing a very suitable shirt and the wolves having a pyjama party. I applaud the wardrobe department for this wonderful t-shirt of Carlisle's. It suits his character unbelivably well.


Is that a girl I see at the edge of there? Is that Leah....oohh I hope so!

P.S. (I'm begin completely and utterly sarcastic at the beginning. This is not an official screenshot. Obviously. You must be mental if you believed me! hehehe...)

Pride and Prejudice?

Hey Everyone. Wow. I'm completely overloaded with news. So many new things out!

First up is this new shot from the New Moon movie companion (release date on calendar, right and side of screen) of a "dream sequance" that Bella and Edward have together in the movie.
Wowzers. OK in my opinion this looks like a Jane Austen movie...what's-it-called....pride and prejudice? Yeah that's the one. Except Edward doesn't look like the Mr. Darcy I saw on an old movie. Ah well. Anyway, Bella looks very pretty, especially with the gloves, and can't wait for more images to come out with the movie companion!
Just wanted to say again thank you to Renn and Hilda for commenting on nearly EVERY post. I LOVE COMMENTS! Ok, more news soon. M x

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Sorry if this post seems a little vague. It's eleven at night but I gotta do this post! I just have to!
Right - soundtrack news! Full playlist has finally been anounced - list at end of post.
Well, the only song I've heard from this soundtrack is "Meet me on the Equinox", which I have to say I really like. Anyone else know any of these songs?
If you want to listen to meetmeontheeuquinox, then here's the link to a youtube vid you can hear it on:

Oh Jacob...that picture...sorry its small - I'm trying to save mb picture space for the best photos! OK, I'm off to bed. Completely falling asleep here. Night night, M x
New Moon Official Soundtrack List:
Hey there's a band called Black Rebal Motorcycle Club! and one called Grizly Bear! WHOOOO go Emmett! Lol! Muse is on too I see - yay. This looks pretty interesting...

1.Death Cab For Cutie – Meet Me On The Equinox

2.Band Of Skulls – Friends

3.Thom Yorke- Hering Damage

4.Lykke Li – Possibility

5.The Killers - A White Demon Love Song

6.Anya Marina – Satellite Heart

7.Muse - I Belong To You (New Moon)

8.Bon Iver and St. Vincent – Rosyln

9.Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Done All Wrong

10. Hurricane Bells – Monsters

11. Sea Wolf – The Violet House

12. Ok Go- Shooting The Moon

13. Grizzly Bear - Slow Life

14. Editors – No Sound But The Wind

15. Alexandre Desplat – New Moon (The Meadow)

Monday, 21 September 2009

Even more photos

Howdy. Here are even more photos!
I have to admit, I like this photo of Alec. Cool jacket thing too.
Meh. Have uploaded this one of Edward in small cos he looks exactly the same as all the other photos. Ah well. Still gorgeous.
M x


Sunday, 20 September 2009

Have a hair cut, Seth!

Seth Clearwater (Booboo Stewart - lol that name still cracks me up) was seen having a hair cut ready for Eclipse!
Aw. He is just so cute. And to think this adorable boy is gonna rip Riley to shreds...
Watched Twilight again with my GRANDPARENTS! Can't get SupermassiveBlackHole out of my head though. Argh.
Now that proves it, don't you think? I can perswade anyone on earth to read Twilight. Absolutaly anyone.
I'm certain.
Even Gordan Brown.

...I think....

Anyway, I enjoyed it just as much as always. Now can't wait for New Moon. November can't come fast enough!
Oooooooooo aaahhhhhhhh you set my soul alight
Oooooooooo aaahhhhhhhh you set my soul alight
OK, I'm going to listen to this song on my ipod before bed. Night everyone. M x

More pictures

Hey Everyone. Here are the next two pictures. Sorry - more tomorrow!

Oh Cauis, you are just way too young and cute. Lol. He looks so....NICE! Give him gold eyes and I'd think he was a goody. A young Carlisle. Someone nice.
Isn't he a good contender for the Bryal (?) Cream contest? His hair is...PERFECT. Actually....he looks a bit like a Draco Malfoy with longer hair. I mean, his hair on top is DEAD SMOOTH like Draco's. These harry potter connections lol...
WOAH. Marcus looks...way too interested. I thought he was supposed to be bored all the time? Like a zombie...well, he looks like a zombie lol, but a way too interested one. Ah well. Maybe they change his character a bit for the movie.
You can see the Volturi crest really well in this shot too - that pendant thing. I've got a close up of it in another picture - may put that on another post. It's a "V" with green in the middle. Looks a bit like Slytherin's symbal actually. Chamber of secrets style. It's green like slytherin too. MORE harry potter connections! Very mysterious...
Anyone got some good poll ideas? Update soon. A x

Saturday, 19 September 2009

New big photos!

New photos! These aren't shots from the film - just poster/photos. As they are pretty large, I'll upload some now, and some tomorrow. Enjoy!
Cool outfit Alice!
Wanted to do these two first because of this fact; is it just me, or is Alice tons paler than Aro? I really think she is...more make up needed...
I mean, doesn't Aro's skin tone look closer to Bella's than Alice's? OK maybe I'm exagerationg. It's no big thing - I don't mind at all cos he's pale looking in the trailer - but I was wondering what everyone else thought...again, no big thing. More pics tomorrow - vote on the poll! M x

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Strangled and screaming, and PG13ing...that doesn't quiet rhyme...

New Moon has had it's official rating anounced - it's to be a PG13 for action and violence.

Found out that interestingly enough, New Moon is to be released on the day of a new moon, and Eclipse released during an eclipse! How cool is that?

Also wanted to point out something you've probably ALL noticed, as I talked about it before, but I'll say it anyway so you can see. In this picture, you can see Alice in the background being strangled by Demetri like we saw in that earlier photo!

Oh I really should take up a career in arrow drawing.
M x

Some pointless points

Howdy Everyone. There has (amazingly) been no news for the past SEVERAL days! Omigosh! Shock horror! So I thought I'd just put a few pointlesss points here.

1. New Slideshow! I spent forever getting it to work and it only plays Volturi shots, but I don't dare try to edit it or it might stop working again. So...yeah. Genius. I'm so very pleased with my self ;D
2. Thanks for all "following" this blog. I have FIVE now, thanks to new person Gerbil Girl. Thanks! thanks also for all comments which I love reading especially Renn who seems to have a comment posted seconds after I've posted the article!
3. Micheal Sheen (Aro) does some hilarious Twitters. Some of my favourites are:
"Just did a big photoshoot for publicity stills- all the Volturi. We are one freaky looking bunch."
"Have decided my Aro is a cross between the Blue Meanie, the Childcatcher and Nick Cave. But with red eyes."
"I think Dakota may look the most unsettling. So angelic yet so weird. As Jane that is of course. Like an evil red riding hood." LOL.
4. Tie again on the poll! Between Jasper biting Bella (I was surprised at that!) and Alice crashing the Porcshe. Neeeeeeeoorrrrrrrrr SMASH! Hahaha. Anyway, thanks so much for the TWELVE votes!
Ok, there are my pointless points. More news asap, M x

Oh, and here's a picture - see that little guy at the end of the amazingly artistically drawn arrow? That's Carlisle!!! Probably from the time when he stayed with the Volturi. He looks like Gilderoy Lockhart. Voyages with Vampires - that's one of his books! LOL! Maybe it IS him...

Monday, 14 September 2009

Ten Trailer points

I'm going to put a few thoughts here on the trailer! Ten, to be precise. Here they are:

Firstly, I think overall this trailer was FANTASTIC! I loved it. Obviously.
Secondly, I think the Volturi look amazing. It was so cool seeing Demetri holding Alice in the background like in that photo that was released not long ago! Aro looked and acted exactly like I imagined him (apart from the robe issue of course) and Felix and Demetri looked great too on their line.
Thirdly, I love their eyes - both red and gold - I think they're loads better than last time. Really "dazzling".
Fourthly, Jake. Need I say more...? He was the best part.
Fifthly, love love LOVE Alice! So pretty and perfect for the role.
Sixthly, ARO IS WEARING A ROBE!!! In the flashback scene at the beginning! Ok, I know its a flashback and he's got a lacy ruff on as well but STILL! ROBE!!!
Seventhly, Kristen Stewart I think was pretty good at the dramatic scenes. "No, please no!" and "aaahhhh" and that kinda thing. The normal/casual scenes I still hate her stammering and blinking. But...we'll see. I like her drama.
Eighthly, Jane Jane Jane Jane. Dakota Fanning is perfect. That line at the end was so....scary, but in this angel-y high voice. Freaky.
Ninthly, Cliff dive. To be honest, this was my least favourite part of the trailer. I thought it was fine, but just kind of...limp? I dunno how to describe it. But I'll see what its like in the real movie first.
Tenthly, I think the whole trailer looked somehow bigger and better. Sets, costumes, all were more impressive. And the COLOUR! Non of this grey dimming down - it was all bright and sharp! The sets and effects - wolves especially - looked more impressive, and the whole trailer gave this impression (to me) of being much more big budget.

So there you go. Ten points. November just can't come fast enough!
Thoughts? Comments? Likes, dislikes? I don't expect you to do ten whole points of your own of course, but I love love love comments....
M x

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Official New Moon trailer 3

So, the other link got removed due to copyright claim by Summit. Poo.
Strangely, this Officially released one is slightly different from the leaked version. Well, if you want to see the leaked version, it's on my ipod! Saved from the copyright lol...
So anyway, here is the slightly changed official not leaked version. it. A moment to be remembered. Prepare to scream probably more than you ever have in your life before:

*UPDATE* new link, other got copyrighted. poo.

And it is INCREDIBLE...hope this dont get claimed! It is AMAZING!

New Moon Trailer PREVIEW!

New Moon trailer PREVIEW! The full trailer will be premiered tonight at 9.00pm - it'll be on youtbe by tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT!


Tomorrow can't come fast enough...
M x

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Pretty little Alice

Found this beautiful photo of Alice from new moon.
Isn't she perfect? So Alice...I love love LOVE this photo! Wonder what she's holding though...? It looks like she's at a public place...airport in Italy? But why is she holding a present then? Or a shopping trip for Bella's birthday? That seems a bit far fetched...

Well whatever the reason, she looks so pretty.
Sorry to post twice in one day! I made a rule myself that I wouldn't...but the trailer 3 is out tomorrow so I'm gonna post tons when that comes out! I wanted to get this picture out first. So...yeah, sorry.
I love comments! M x

Jasper Interview on Eclipse

I know this is long, but I love this interview from Jackson Rathbone on Jasper and Eclipse! So here you go...

MTV: Jackson, what are you most looking forward to shooting in the next film?

Jackson Rathbone: I'm really excited to start filming "Eclipse." I got a chance to read the script, and we get to go back into Jasper's backstory. They actually had to ask me about my equestrian experience. I told them I can gallop and trot and all that. I used to ride. It's been two or three years since I've been on a horse, but I'm excited to get back up on the saddle.

MTV: What kind of moves will you be pulling off? Just shooting guns? Obviously, it won't be highly-stylized martial arts stuff.

Rathbone: No, it won't be karate, it won't be kung fu, like the stuff we're doing in "Airbender." But even in "Airbender," the fighting styles I was doing were a little bit more loose, like street fighting. And that's kind of what this is; it's about evading.

MTV: Why is that?

Rathbone: Well, we're talking about newborn vampires that can't control their urges — they can't really think very quickly. So if you just let them go to their instincts and evade and attack them from side to side, you could get them; but if you try and go after them through force, they're going to win every time. So it's all about evasion.

MTV: Are there training scenes in "Eclipse" along these lines?

Rathbone: It's interesting; there's a lot of cool scenes where Jasper trains the Cullen family on how to fight the newborns. He gets to train Emmett — and Emmett is a born fighter — so he's telling Emmett all these techniques, and Emmett thinks he could just best Jasper [during their sparring]. Jasper ends up getting the best of him, because it's a war mentality, not just a street brawl. It's about thinking ahead; it's a chess game.

MTV: Cool. Will we see the scene where Jasper gets bitten?

Rathbone: Oh yeah, we have to see that. It's going to be great. I've been studying up a lot on the Civil War and that era. It really was a crazy time. It was all-out war on our own turf and between countrymen. That's terrible. It's an interesting time to see when Jasper was actually human and what his human form was and, when he gets turned, how intense and how dark he is. Then [we'll see] his realization of what he's become, him finding Alice and being redeemed by love.

MTV: And is that the first time we'll see your powers?

Rathbone: Actually, in "New Moon," we get a little glimpse. Inside the school.

MTV: And will it be clear to the audience that this emotion-manipulation is going on?

Rathbone: In "New Moon," when we see it? It's pretty obvious.

Aw isn't he lovely? I can't wait to see this scene in New Moon. What about you?
Keep voting for the Alice Porsche crash...I can just imagine it, Alice zooming along through Italy, turning a corner and BAM...sends Demetri and Felix and Jane flying! Hahahaahahaa...
Here endeth the longest post I have ever written. Cheerio...

Friday, 11 September 2009

Happy birthday Nessie! And a corn maze...

Utah’s largest corn maze has made New Moon its theme for this year! You can now walk around inside Taylor Lautner’s brain and walk on Rob’s perfect hair! You can even lose your self in his mind boggling golden eyes. Ha ha ha!
Also, Happy birthday to Renesmee! Nessie was born on 10th of September, 2006 - so today marks her third birthday. Well, actually yesterday, as I'm actually posting this today. Sorry Nessie! One day late.
So, Happy Birthday Renesmee Carlie Cullen!
Vote for Alice crashing the Porsche...oh yeah...M x

Oh, and Jacob's maze is bigger. So there you go, Renn!Mwahaha....

Wednesday, 9 September 2009


This news has been out for ages but I'm going to add my thoughts anyway. Summit Entetainment has been looking for ways to expand the four film Twilight saga series. The producers mentioned that one way to go after the saga has been completed is to do a spin off movie about THE VOLTURI! Explore their history, their present, drum up some dramas, set some new relesionships...

I dunno about you guys, but to me this sounds like a really, really lame idea. A Volturi spin off film. I ask you. I mean, what is it gonna be about? Their history? How the three brothers became vampire's in 1000bc and how they came to power? No Cullens, no Bella, no Jacob, no Forks? I mean, ok, if Stephanie Meyer wrote a long, brilliant novel about them, and went through every step of making it into a movie, maybe I'd feel better about it...
But a movie made by Summit Entatainment alone? The company that has screwed up so much stuff so far - tried to fire two of it's best actors to say the least - make a Volturi spin off movie? Just to make even more money?

I really don't like this idea. I've heard rumours about it before, but never really believed it till I read the article today. I just...think this is a really, really bad idea. What are your thoughts? poll up - we had 8 votes and three ties on the last one!
The four people I've talked to seem to like "Apple Bites - with the cheesy sub-heading" as the new blog name. Any more ideas/thoughts on this title? If not, I'll just go ahead and change it. Thanx for reading, M x

Names names names...

Hi. This post has nothing to do with twilight news - I just wanted some ideas/advice. I'd like to make the name of this blog more imaginative lol...sooo does anyone have any ideas for names? Me and some people I talked to came up with:
All the "pieces" of Twilight News you could want

Ha ha ha. Maybe change the sub heading. Also got this:
News from the Twilight Saga

And also thought maybe something like the book titles? Such as:
Sunrise, Midnight, Starlight, Dawn, or some of these mixed together?
I think I like apple bites best lol out of all these! Anyone got any other ideas? Don't strain yourself trying to think up names - I'd just like opinions/ideas if you have time. Nearly time for the next trailer!
Merina x

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

You like purple don't you?

Hey everyones. Well, I'm not going to Rome this week, so I can update! Just found this gorgeous new picture...PURPLE! As the quote from movie says...
Charlie: "You like purple, don't you?"
Bella: Purple'
I know some people don't like this photo, but I honestly can't see why. I love it. What do you think? M x
P.S. Thanks for al your comments - especially Renn for commenting on nearly EVERY post!

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Perfect old Rosalie

Grr. Rosalie is so perfect in this new shot from the New Moon birthday party. Again though, don't her eyes have a red tinge? Did they all walk into doors (as Renn, comments, cleverly suggested)? Or is my eye sight just failing. Ah well. Aro is winning the vote YET AGAIN for his quote - but it's a pretty close tie with everything else so far! I love these polls...
I'm off to Rome tomorrow (hopefully) so may not be able to update for a few days. I say hopefully, because Yotyot has had a trampolining accident, and is in hospital. Not sure how serious it is yet though, so may or may not be going tomorrow. Fingers crossed! M x

Saturday, 5 September 2009

Posters galore

Even more posters!
Oohhhhh look at Jake...sooo amazing......
Edward and Bella look good too I suppose - Edward looks a bit red eyed though, just around the edges...or are my eyes just going funny? Ah well.

Friday, 4 September 2009

Graduation gets underway - Eclipse set

Eclipse filming is in full swing - oh this really brings out the cheesiness in me! - and pictures have surfaced of the crew filming graduation day.
Kristen Stewart (Bella) is wearing a new wig (this film is just FULL of them lol!), having cut her hair and dyed it black for her last movie to play a runaway. We can also see YELLOW GOWNS GALORE! Sorry for the bad quality of photos...
New poll - I tried to do one quote for each of the main characters. Enjoy, M x

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Another trailer coming soon!

Just found out that another new moon trailer shall be released at the MTV music awards at 9pm on 13th September. This means it will probably be on youtube sometime on the 14th. Will tell you all the link as soon as I find it!
Aro's winning the poll - woot! I was surprised at how many people voted for Jane!
Cya, M x