Q from twilight-fan Electra: Who was Embry’s dad?
A: That question was in there like 17 times. Now I know that a lot of people are mad when I say that I’m not going to say, because you know what? I’m not even sure that I know. I know that sounds crazy, but really there are secrets that my characters keep from even me. And I had that experience with Rosalie actually when I first started working on Twilight. I had no idea she didn’t like Bella and her character was really flat and sort of half way through I figured out ‘Oh, she hates Bella!’ and then she was easier to write. So sometimes my characters don’t tell me everything. I have my suspicions.
Q: What happened to Billy Black that he can’t walk anymore?
A: He has diabetes, which caused nerve damage in his feet and legs. He hasn’t had to have anything amputated yet, but he’ll never walk again.
A: I’m sorry to say, but Gianna did not make the cut. Gianna’s not with us anymore, um, that’s one of the problems with working for the Volturi. It’s a hazardous job.
[laughter and cheering]
You guys are applauding for a woman’s death; you do realize this, right?
Wow! I TOTALLY get what she means!