Sunday, 30 August 2009

Turtleneck, Alice?

Hey everyone, just a quick post on this pic. Speculation has been going round on comment pages that feature Alice being held on the neck by Demetri. Everyone's got their own idea of what he's doing to her/what scene it's from, and also what caption/title would go with it. Thought some of these were just hilarious, so are a few captions that I've seen floating around that I love:

1. "Now look, see Alice, see this is how high a turtle neck would come on you. What do you think?"

2. Aro, if you want to see what's in her head, I could just pop it like a cork and then you can get a real look! *growl*"

LOL LOL LOL!!! Any idea what scene its from? Those luminous red gloves are Alice's hands, by the way. If you're behind on the updates, then scroll down to "archive" on the right side of the screen to see old posts. Cya!

Quote, Demetri, regarding the Cullen's reletionship with the werewolves: "Interesting company you keep."

Friday, 28 August 2009

Seth Clearwater first photo

Booboo Stewart (that name still makes me laugh, I think of some people I know going "BOOO BOOOO STEWART - KRISTEN STEWART!!! BOOOO!!! Lol) has been busy with a photoshoot this week (I think this week, but dates not certain.)
Here's a picture I found.
What do you think? I have to say I think he is COMPLETELY ADORABLE, which I suppose is good because Seth is so sweet and funny in the books.

Just wanted to say, sorry if you've all seen these pictures before! I'm trying to update the instant pictures/news is released, but obviously I can't get everything. So sorry if all this "NEW NEWS" is actually, for you, old news. As I said, I will try and update asap when stuff comes out.
Cya, Merina x
Quote, Seth, Breaking Dawn: "Alice wants you too. She says she's tired of hanging out in the attic like a bat in the belfry."

LOL. By the way, winner of the poll was, in the end, the cliff dive! I was surprised. Thanks so much to everyone who voted! New poll coming asap.


Wow there's been so much news these past few days! Sorry if this is all a bit overwelming...anyway, new released volturi pictures yet again! These are just AMAZING...

I have to say the ONLY thing I don't like about this is THAT DARN SUIT that Aro is wearing. Grr. He needs to wear robes. Argh...

The Jamie Camwell Bower actor who plays Cauis is like 20, but looks so much younger! Here's a picture of him without all his make up, and the 2nd screenshot:

Alice looks very...calm, despite being strangled by Demetri. Or Felix. I think its Demitri for some reason lol. Jane looks amazing as usual. And we can see a depressed Edward in the background...
Wow. Such amazing pictures. Cauis is so cute without make up LOL! Comment and tell me what you think...the more detail the better...
Merina x

Quote, Cauis, BD: "So many pointless rule, so many unnecesary laws you create for yourself, Carlisle. How is it possible that you defend the breaking of one that truly matters...?"

That darn suit. Argh.

Thursday, 27 August 2009


Ok. Prepare to scream. Here goes.


In listed order; Jane, Alec, Cauis, Aro.
*merina mouths madly in wordless crazy excitement* a moment to be remembered. For all time, twilight fans shall remember this moment.
COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK BEFORE I DIE OF NON TWILIGHT TALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Leah and Seth roles anounced!

It's finally been announced - the roles of Leah and Seth! After months of rumours, it's finally official. Firstly, Seth is being played by...Booboo Stewart, aged fifteen.

AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWW!!! Isn't he just...completely adorable?
Anyway, next announcment. Leah will be played by....*hums high school musical*...Julia Jones, aged 28:

Mwahahaha got you there!
Well, no I probably didn't. But anyways. At least now several millions twilight fans can breathe an almighty sigh of relief that she's not Vanessa Hudgens.
*sings loudly at hilda* SOOOAAAAARRRRIIINGGGGG, FLYYYYYYYYNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehehe...I'm going to finish with a quote. Cya.

Quote, Leah, Breaking Dawn, two: "Wow this is going to sound bad. But, honestly, it will be easier to deal with your pain than face mine. I know it's going to be bad for you, Jacob. I understand that - maybe better than you think. I don't like her, but...she's your Sam. She's everything you want and everything you can't have..."

Victoria and Riley shoot kiss scene in Eclipse

This and many more pictures were just released on several websites, of Bryce Dallas Howard (BOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!) as Victoria, And Xavier Samuel as Riley, shooting a scene for Eclipse.

In this scene, Bryce (BOO!) is wearing a curly wig constructed for her so she looks more like Rachelle (sob!) and she - as you can obviously see - kissing Riley underneath a bridge.
This "seduction scene" - as it's being called by the websites that are talking about it - wasn't of course actually in the book. You only hear about Victoria using Riley from Edward, as he read both of their minds out loud during the battle.'s going to be something new in the movie...
I dunno...I still just can't imagine this Bryce as Victoria. It alls seems unreal to me...she just ISN'T VICTORIA...

What do you all think?

There is a button down at the bottom of this saying "comment" - you can comment as an annominoys (HOW DO I SPELL THAT WORD?!) person, or leave a name, so comment if you want to. Cya!

"She knows that I will kill you, Riley. She wants you to die so that she doesn't have to keep up the pretense anymore. Yes - you've seen that, haven't you? You;ve read the reluctance in her eyes, suspected a false note in her promises. You were right. She's never wanted you. Every kiss, every touch was a lie."

First Post

Hi Everyone. Ok, I really hope this works and I've got it right!

This is my first post....obviously. I'm going to try putting a picture here and see what happens.
Ok, hopefully this worked. First proper news posts coming soon...
Merina x